Booked Hourly
Appointments can be made by calling the practice on 031-3035578
Or alternatively I can be reached on 0820969937 (when I am not consulting)
Bookings can be made for during the week and on Saturday mornings
Appointments for therapy are 50-60 minutes.
Appointments for intelligence assessment involve:
First appointment
An intake interview with guardian/s or client if an adult (Usually 1 hour).
The assessment of the child/adolescent/adult (approximately 2 hours).
Second appointment
Report back and discussion of recommendations (1 hour).
A comprehensive psycho-educational report (1 hour).
Appointments for Career Assessments involve:
First appointment
intake interview and Career assessment battery (2-2.5 hours)
Second appointment
Report back and discussion of recommendations.
Comprehensive Career Assessment Report (charged as 1 hour)
Email me confidentially on tbstyles.practice@gmail.com should you wish to make an enquiry.